1、Microelectronic Circuits : Statics
【作者】:Muhammad H. Rashid
【简介】:Take a "breadth-first" approach to teaching electronics with a strong emphasis on design and simulation in Rashids MICROELECTRONIC CIRCUITS: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, 3E. This book introduces general characteristics of circuits (ICs) to prepare students for circuit design and analysis techniques. More than half of the problems and examples concentrate on design and use software tools extensively. Important circuits are analyzed in worked-out examples that introduce basic techniques and emphasize the effects of parameter variations. The book then offers a more detailed study of devices and circuits and how they operate within ICs. The books proven sequence of introducing electronic devices and circuits, then electronic circuits and applications, and finally, digital and analog integrated circuits is easily adaptable for one or two-term courses.
2、Microelectronic Design of Fuzzy Logic-Based Systems
【作者】:Baturone, Iluminada
【出版社】:CRC Press
【简介】:Fuzzy logic has virtually exploded over the landscape of emerging technologies, becoming an integral part of myriad applications and a standard tool for engineers. Until recently, most of the attention and applications have centered on fuzzy systems implemented in software. But these systems are limited. Problems that require real-time operation, low area, or low power consumption demand hardware designed to the fuzzy paradigm - and engineers with the background and skills to design it.Microelectronic Design of Fuzzy Logic-Based Systems offers low-cost answers to issues that software cannot resolve. From the theoretical, architectural, and technological foundation to design tools and applications, it serves as your guide to effective hardware realizations of fuzzy logic.
3、Microelectronics Wlyetx
【作者】:Microelectronics Wlyetx
【简介】:Designed to build a strong foundation in both design and analysis of electronic circuits, Razavi teaches conceptual understanding and mastery of the material by using modern examples to motivate and prepare students for advanced courses and their careers. Razavis unique problem-solving framework enables students to deconstruct complex problems into components that they are familiar with which builds the confidence and intuitive skills needed for success.
4、Microelectronic Circuit Design
【作者】:Richard Jaeger
【出版社】:McGraw Hill
【简介】:Microelectronic Circuit Design presents a balanced coverage of analog and digital circuits. Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the basic techniques of modern electronic circuit design, analog and digital, discrete and integrated. A broad spectrum of topics is included, and material can easily be selected to satisfy either a two-semester or three quarter sequence in electronics. This title is available in Connect, featuring SmartBook 2.0, eBook, and homework problems. Instructor Resources available for this title include: Solutions Manual and PPTs.
5、Microelectronics 2E Isv Wlyetx
【作者】:Behzad Razavi
【简介】:By helping students develop an intuitive understanding of the subject, Microelectronics teaches them to think like engineers. The second edition of Razavi’s Microelectronics retains its hallmark emphasis on analysis by inspection and building students’ design intuition, and it incorporates a host of new pedagogical features that make it easier to teach and learn from, including: application sidebars, self-check problems with answers, simulation problems with SPICE and MULTISIM, and an expanded problem set that is organized by degree of difficulty and more clearly associated with specific chapter sections.